The first to market machine learning platform that accurately predicts concurrent multiple clinical endpoints and allows for the early identification of clinically vulnerable patients.
Visión's Proprietary Disease Progression Index (DPI) measures a patient’s risk of disease progression and enables :
Early detection of most clinically vulnerable patients
Evaluation of modifiable risk factors driving patient risk predictions
Identifying optimal care plans by applying causal modelling
The Visión platform covers the most prevalent chronic diseases
Detection of the clinically vulnerable
20% of all US deaths are attributable to heart disease. Heart disease costs the US about $240B each year
37M Americans are diabetic, and 96M are prediabetic. Diabetes damages the heart, kidneys, vision, limbs, and nerves
Over 1 in 7 American adults have CKD. 90% of Americans with CKD do not know they have it
16M Americans have been diagnosed with COPD. COPD costs the the US approximately $50B each year
Anticipating deterioration to provide early treatment strategies before decompensation